PMI Project Management Exam Community

Join the IBTCareers free PMP Community and ‘Get The E.D.G.E!’

Join the IBTCareers free PMP Community and ‘Get The E.D.G.E!’


Earned PMI Required Training Hours

• 35 Hours of Exam Prep
• 144+ Hours of Exam Prep
• Exam Prep at your own pace
• Free Virtual Practice Exams
• 100s of PMP base training Modules

Develop Your PMP skills​

• 24x7 Access to PMP Content & Platform
• PMI Approved Management Tools
• Micro Training Modules
• Professional Skills Training
• Community Collaboration
• Study Groups
• Access to Microsoft Teams
• MS Team License
• Schedule Meetings
• Free copy of Microsoft Office 365


Get Certified

• Hundreds of PMP Training Content
• Hundreds of Practice Questions
• Structured & Graded Practice Exams
• Virtual Mock Exams

Employment & Income Opportunities

• PMP Employment Newsletter
• PMP Job Leads

PMI Certification Impact

PMP certification salary statistics show that this certification is well worth the effort for many professionals. According to PMI, non-certified project managers in the U.S. earn a median annual salary of $93,000. PMPs earn a median wage of $123,000 per year—a 32% increase over their non-certified colleagues.

Free PMP Community Registration

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    Professional Development Courses:


    IBTCareers PMP Training Platform Access Your One Stop Shop!

    We give you more than just an overview or lecture on the PMP Content!!
    Join the IBTCareers PMP Community!
    Get access to the IBTCareers PMP Leaning Platform!

    • 24x7 Access to the PMP Learning Platform
    • 30 Days Training Platform Access
    • PMI Approved PMP Management Tools
    • Access to IBTC ‘Micro Training Modules’
    • PMP Labs & Exercises
    • Hundreds of Hours of PMP Training Content
    • Hundreds of Practice Questions
    • Structured & Graded Practice Exams
    • Virtual Mock Exams


    Why IBTCareers?

    • Over 12 years of experience teaching
    PMI Project Management
    • Experienced Certified Instructors
    with real world experience
    • Free PMP ‘Micro Learning Content’ MS Project and much more!
    • Our PMP training programs is approved by IBHE  (Illinois Board of Higher Education)


    Why IBTCareers?

    • Over 12 years of experience teaching
    PMI Project Management
    • Experienced Certified Instructors
    with real world experience
    • Free PMP ‘Micro Learning Content’
    MS Project and much more!
    • Our PMP training programs is approved by
    IBHE  (Illinois Board of Higher Education)

    How to Register?

    Click on the tiles below and add a class into the cart

    PMP Exam Providers Customer Value Investment Chart

      Contact Us

      If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us any time

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      A message from the Program Director…

      “The hardest battles are the ones we fight within.
      When the internal war is won,
      we can conquer anything externally.”

      Paul Johnson — IBTCareers Founder, CEO & Program Director

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