Women In Tech: Linda Jojo is the Chief Digital Officer of United Airlines.
United Airlines is is a major American airline. It is the 3rd largest airline in the world and operates a large domestic and international route network.
“Linda Jojo joined United Airlines as Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer in November 2014. Between then and mid-2017, a primary area of focus was improving the company’s mobile tools and apps for customers and employees. As the value she contributed increasingly was customer-facing, the justification of expanding her responsibilities was made. In the middle of 2017, she was promoted to EVP of Technology and Chief Digital Officer.
In addition to her responsibility for United’s technology platforms and analytics, Jojo took over strategy, development and deployment of United’s e-commerce, mobile app and commercial web platforms. With these expanded responsibilities, she and her team have profoundly impacted both top and bottom line of the airline.
Jojo has also joined the small but growing club of CIOs who have joined public boards, having joined the board of $31 billion revenue utility services holding company Exelon in September of 2015. She is a member of the Compensation & Leadership Development Committee and Finance & Risk Committee.
Women In Tech- Linda Jojo: I am responsible for technology as I had been as CIO. Additionally, I am also responsible for our digital strategy and ownership of our digital channels such as our website, our apps, and our digital distribution.“1
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1 Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/peterhigh/2018/01/02/linda-jojos-path-from-board-level-cio-to-evp-of-technology-and-cdo-of-united-airlines/#6094b5bc593b